Everyone knows that trying to change someone else doesn't work. Ever. Trying to control people backfires. Real change only happens when people choose to do so. So why do we spend so much time trying to change other people? To control what they do? This isn’t going to make any sense to you, but the number one reason we do it is because we think we can! I know I just told you that we know we can’t, but why would we try if we didn’t think that we could? There is obviously a disconnect somewhere. I believe that that disconnect comes most frequently because of desire and fear.
We desire a particular type of spouse, who does or doesn’t do certain things. We have hopes and expectations galore (and these aren’t necessarily bad). These expectations are influenced by the homes we were raised in, the movies we watch, the books we read, and the news feeds we scroll through. When our expectations aren’t met, we fear that we are missing out on something. We fear that, unless we do or say something, those expectations will never be met, and that’s a really scary thought. These feelings can be really intense and they almost always lead us to do or say something to try and change our partner. But this never makes us feel any better.
Second, the more time you stay in this box, the less persuasive you become. It’s okay to want to help your partner be a better person and to help them meet your expectations, but this box isn’t helpful. In fact, this box makes it even more likely that your partner won’t change. When was the last time that somebody trying to control you made you change? It doesn’t make any sense to stay in this box, unless you like shooting yourself in the foot.
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